Alexander Quillion
Alexander Quillion
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Biographical Information | |
Aliases |
Real Name - Azeem Qaimkhani |
Date of Birth |
? (Age: 24) |
Place of Birth | London, England |
Physical Description | |
Species | Human |
Gender | Male |
Height |
6'0" |
Weight |
185 lbs |
Hair Color |
Black |
Eye Color |
Black |
Skin Color |
Coffee |
Family Information | |
Parents | Mustafa Qaimkhani, Huma Qaimkhani |
Siblings | Mahmoud Qaimkhani, Tabassum Qaimkhani |
Spouse |
None, Elizabeth Lawrence, fiancee (deceased - 2028) |
Children |
None |
Professional Life | |
Occupation |
Graduate student, statistician, mad scientist |
Affiliations |
University of Cambridge, Harrah's MGM |
Pathfinder One
- Access granted through a hidden door inside the old vault of the Mob Museum (Post Office)
- Lead-lined triple thick steel door (remote eye, biometric keypad, security by DEVA)
- Grated entryway, side door leads to iron ladder, main gantry to freight elevator, lowers into main silo.
- Aluminum girding in center supports wires, lights, and monitors.
- Lime green blast tiles set in walls, painted along one side with huge white block letters "Pathfinder-1".
- Aluminum tables form desks and workspace on the floor, studded with various salvaged monitors and holo displays. Live feeds show various parts of the complex, the upstairs building, and the outer grounds at all times.
- Along one wall, a holographic projection display shows a gridwork isometric image of Clarke County, studded with multi-colored dots and tracers.
- Lead lined door halfway up silo wall on south side on ringed gantry.
- Books, pads, and ancient manuscripts line the tables, some being continually scanned, some in cycle mode.
- Large, transparent aluminum cell to one side containing separate air/water feeds on isolated lines. Lines inside to feed in air/poison gases as well as ability to spray the interior of the cell with Napthenic/Palmeric Acid and ignitor.
- Bank of TransAl containers on metal shelving (12). Only 3 are filled.
- Canister 1: 2 foot Caterpillar-like creature, preserved in formaldehyde. Lepidoptera Sapiens, larvae of a humanoid moth creature dwelling in rural eastern North America.
- Canister 2: A human hand and forearm, severed at the elbow. Pale white and bloodless. Pinned against a board with large steel nails, it continues to move, slowly. Post-Mortem Animated Hand, Homo Sapiens
- Canister 3: A flayed, vivisected, small humanoid creature. Gray, winged. Oblong head studded with rows of razor sharp teeth. Tooth Fairy.
- Trap in floor provides access to custom built "dark cells" (refitted blast ship doors in single short hallway leading to 6 small containment cells). Purgation system allows the cells to be purged independently or in a group from the main silo or control center.
- Cell #3: Unknown Alien, known as Xenomorph (Internecivus Raptus). Hard chitinous carapace, protective fluid (HF), highly intelligent and adaptable, DNA hybridized with human. Cell coated with Hastalloy B corrosion resistance. Low oxygen, temperature regulated to 2-8 C.
- Long tunnel of poured concrete lined with fuel and electrical cables, leads to the decontamination chamber.
Decontamination Chamber
- A small, steel floored room containing a shower and dressing room. Divided from the control room by a blast door.
Control Center
- Buried, reinforced concrete multi-level structure, insulated against shock by springs.
- Main floor converted into a medical bay.
- Partially divided, steel doors roll back to expose morgue with secure small and large doors on rollers.
- Stairs go up and down.
- Door provides access to escape hatch to surface and down to Vegas Underground
Sub Level
- Library, Vault, Central Processing for DEVA.
- Dense electronics, seat for workstation and monitors, steel shelves of old and new books on every subject from medicine to alchemy to astrophysics to the occult.
- Vault door protects vault. Bank boxes, pedestal in the center behind TransAl contains a single, closed black book. A Latin translation of the Kitab al-Azif by Abdul Alhazred in Damascus, 730 AD. The translation, by Olaius Wormius was published in Germany in the 15th century.
Upper Level
- Low domed room
- Small dining room, kitchenette, bathroom.
- Small barracks, once contained bunk beds, now contains army cot, trunk and portable closet of clothes. Medicine chest, lockbox of drugs, stacks of partially read books, and monitor for DEVA. Lifesupport equipment stands near the bed, including ekg/heart rate monitors, drug and nutrient feeds. Remote controlled clasps on the bed can be controlled by DEVA for sleep deprivation experiments.